The witch is a bent old woman …. leaning on a stick who lives in a thatched cottage of tarred black wood standing in a small potato patch, and is down a green lane. The wooden fence is broken down and one window is broken. Titty remembers her mother’s story of the Obeah Woman about a "native witch (with) wrinkles deep as ditches on her brown face" (SW14).
The Witches Quay is an old unused wooden quay with a storehouse on it. The Swallows and Amazons follow a line of eels drawn by Don in the sand to the cottage. The witch taps on the window and comes out, leaning on a stick. She whispers and coughs Looking for young Don? .... Lost my voice I have. He've put his bag in the shed .... New friends for him. Not seen you before. She points to a lean-to shed. She does not reply when John asks if they can go to the shed, and goes inside the cottage. So John leads the way to the shed and finds a sack with the mouth roped up and a message from Don signed with a wriggling eel (SW14).
The relationship of the witch (if any) to Don and his family is not stated, although Don’s father’s farm is to the south over the marshes so is in the same area (SW8).